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Useful information

We suggest you to check one of the hotels/hostels on the map below
or find your accommodation through

What to bring to the weekend

Flat dancing shoes

(no black soles)



(we can lend you one if you don't have any)

Music instruments

(bombo or other, if you have any)

Water bottle

(tap water is drinkable in Basel)


(swimming in Rhein is one of the biggest attractions in Basel)

We do not offer catering during the workshop weekend, but our location is situated in the vibrant area of the city and surrounded by restaurants, cafés and supermarkets.

Shops/supermarkets close between 6-7pm on workdays, and 4-5pm on Saturdays.

Sundays shops remain closed.

Migros Supermarkt, Grenzacherstrasse 62/64 Basel; closest grocery store to the venue. Opening hours: Friday 8am-7pm; Saturday 8am-5pm; Sunday closed

Grilled Meat

Saturday evening before the Peña we offer grills for barbeque

(bring your own meat / veggies)!

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